Technology Trends in the News

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 10:24

Bill In Colorado Would Prohibit Insurer Use of ‘Discriminatory’ Data – Insurance Journal

Colorado lawmakers are considering a bill that would prohibit insurance companies from using consumer information collected from outside sources such as social media and court and home ownership records to determine insurance rates…  The measure would bar insurers from using third-party site data to charge higher insurance premiums based on race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Such data also includes a consumer’s credit score, purchasing habits and level of education.

Just Auto Expands Pay Per Mile Insurance – Coverager

Los Angeles-based pay-per-mile insurance provider Just Auto Insurance has expanded its app-based auto insurance to include collision, comprehensive, full-glass and liability coverage for eligible drivers in Arizona.  Founded in 2019, the startup which also goes by SF Insuretech Inc., is a team of 31.  It is targeting lower-income consumers with a 30-day pre-paid, pay-per-mile liability insurance and drivers only need to add $30 to get started.

Meet the Insurtech: Pouch – Digital Insurance 

Pouch is targeting small businesses with small fleets like contractors, landscapers or florists. It’s device-agnostic, with the idea that it will be able to sell insurance to companies already using some sort of fleet-management hardware by promising a smooth integration with the platform the business owner is used to -- not to mention drawing on the data they’re already collecting as well as easily accessible third-party information to provide quotes quickly.

If Space Junk Falls on Your House, Are There Laws to Protect You? – Science Alert

For space law to be effective, it needs to do three things. First, regulation must prevent as many dangerous situations from occurring as possible. Second, there needs to be a way to monitor and enforce compliance. And finally, laws need to lay out a framework for responsibility and liability if things do go wrong. So, how do current laws and treaties around space stack up? They do OK, but interestingly, looking at environmental law here on Earth may give some ideas on how to improve the current legal regime with respect to space debris.

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