Article Resources on Women in History

Wed, 03/17/2021 - 16:48

Women And Sustainable Finance The Fuel For Economic Recovery – World Economic Forum

There is broad consensus around the need to intervene urgently to provide relief to women and underserved communities, yet there is also a great opportunity to go beyond crisis response and toward building platforms of resilience. Across the Global South, the effects of the pandemic have amplified the pressure and strain on women. Despite the need a recent study found a decline in private sector funding related to sustainable development goals.


Installing Titles And Prestige Appointments Lack Holistic Vision In Bringing Equity To Women – Nikkei Asia

In reflecting on International Women’s Day, it is important to call out an unfortunately common practice in the business industry. Corporations and perhaps even institutions have honed their radars to pick up on issues of the moment and develop a “PR” like response. When environmental and social factors began to resonate, too many companies create facades of “wokeness” occluding their true commitment to change. A similar thing practice appears in trying to signal equity among senior leadership. This practice places a burden on exquisitely qualified women. They are not immediately seen for their skillset but rather their appearance. In order to move beyond the “woman-washing,” there must be an intentional multi-directional focus on equity across all levels of organizations.


5 Women Making A Difference In The World Of Tech – Gadgets 360

The harsh reality is even in 2021 few women have broken the glass ceiling to ascend to the highest levels of today’s biggest companies. The technology sector has long had a disproportionate representation among women at all ranks. This article takes a look at five woman and the paths they have pioneered in trying to make tech more inclusive and better for all people involved.

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